Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Almost forgot...

I almost forgot to add that on Friday, Mia and I went to the vet to have her next set of vaccinations administered.

She was a champ. Not a single peep when the long needle was pushed near her bum.

However, we had a little setback because her fecal test came back positive for Coccidia. Still! After two weeks of medication, we have to continue for another two weeks, which will hopefully cure her.

Also, on Saturday, my friend Ilu came by before we were to head out for a day of running errands.

I met her outside to let her know how it had to go down.

"Okay, so when you get in the house, don't pay any attention to Mia until you've given Vito like 15 seconds of your undivided attention."


"And don't make any hyper noises and get Vito all worked up."


Seconds after entering the house, Vito was all over her, his tail wagging excitedly.

As it is, Vito believes that all visitors to our home are strictly for him, and since his Tia Ilu was giving him so much love, he was very happy.

Then, she gently gave Mia some pets... trying hard to avoid the natural "Ooh ahh" response that a puppy demands.

They got along nicely and before any kidnapping attempts were made, we left the house.

I've also tried to avoid making lots of noise when I come home or leave the house. I'm trying to make sure Mia doesn't get separation anxiety.

But boy, that anxiety I was experiencing last week is virtually gone and my hubby is thrilled with the progress I've made.

Toot toot, beep beep!