Monday, February 4, 2008

The French Bulldog Has Landed

I am so flippin tired.

Okay, so, Thursday was HELL. The flight bringing Mia and Ellen (puppy nanny) to San Jose was delayed, so she wound up getting on the flight for San Francisco instead which would bring her to the Bay Area at approximately the same time the San Jose flight would have. She didn't want to take any chances.

However, the time-saving flight was delayed 2 hours after boarding. So Ellen told me she'd probably be at the San Jose airport around 9pm. Then it was 10pm.

Long story short... we didn't get Mia til about 11pm.

It was raining like a son of a bitch and I had mere moments to get Mia from Ellen so she would be able to take the shuttle to her house.

They were waiting curbside, as I pulled up, and I saw little Mia wrapped in a pink blankie, her little head peering under the hoodie. In a word: adorable.

Within seconds of me taking Mia, she was smothering me with kisses. This was new for me, since Vito always did everything he could to avoid kissy contact. But Mia, was obviously a well adjusted pup.

I exchanged cash with Ellen and Mia and I went on home. I snuggled her close while I drove home. She continued to give kisses and was comfortable in my hands. P.S., don't drive and kiss. Because of the rain, my vision was impaired, especially because I wasn't paying much attention to the road ahead.

But we made it home safely.

"We're home, Mia," I cooed. She was so trusting, it almost made me cry. Pathetic.

I walked through the door and called for Steve.

"Here's your daughter," I told Steve as he walked into the livingroom, Vito trailing close behind.

And Mr. Tough-Guy turned into a new daddy again. He carefully took Mia from my arms and cradled her close. It was a wonderful moment.

We'd planned to have Mia and Vito meet in a neutral area, but because it was so late, I said screw it. And thankfully, Vito took to Mia easily. He's such a good big brother.

Because Mia hadn't eaten in approximately 6 hours, we gave her her first dinner at home, which she gobbled down.

Her first night is a blur, but to fast-forward to Friday, I'd taken the day off to begin the bonding process. The morning was pretty eventful. I took Vito to get groomed, brought Mia to work so she could meet and greet. She was a hit. She got the standard response. "Awwwww!" And there was a crowd admiring her. As she was passed around to my fellow dog people, she had no problem giving kisses to each person she met.

After, we went to the vet, where she was given a clean bill of health, save for the coccidia which I knew about prior to her arrival. We got new antibiotics and went home.

Oh, and then I had to pick up Vito from the groomers.

The only time I had to myself was when I went to Petsmart to stock up on more puppy supplies.

I was so tired. I hadn't had proper sleep, only getting about 5 hours her first night home.

It was pretty much the same sleep pattern for the rest of the weekend, including today.

Which leads me to now.

And that thing I'd said when Vito was a puppy... well I remember why I said it, because I WANT A REFUND!!!

I am SO not into potty training. I think that right now that's my only major gripe.

On the other hand, she is SUCH a doll. I mean, she's well-adjusted and Steve's already calling her a diva. I told him there was only room for one diva in this house and that title was already spoken for.

Within moments of meeting Vito, she was barking at him, her little butt in the air, wanting to play. I think she takes him for a new papa.

I think what's making the whole process even more exhausting is we're pulling double-duty. Not only are we trying to get Mia on a food/play/potty schedule; we are giving extra attention to Vito so he doesn't feel slighted by this new creature in our home.

I'm at work today, but don't expect to be fully awake until about 3 or 4 this afternoon.

Steve and I will be taking turns going home throughout the day to give her lunch and potty breaks.

She's already had several accidents. I hate accidents.

At least babies can take a shit in their diaper, whereas a puppy will take a shit anywhere.

I think I was jipped on this whole puppy thing.

Why is it that the brain seems to forget or block out the bad memories of a previous event, leading you to believe, it's not so bad.

Well, it's bad.

And I hate potty training.

And I'm tired.