Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Anxiety for Days

I'm feeling an extreme case of anxiety today.

And dare I say it... regret.

I felt like this (from what I can remember) when we got Vito, but since all of these emotions are flooding back, it's brand new again.

I should add that I'm a stresser by nature. It's just how I do.

But, I can't help but feel a little overwhelmed.

I have been so used to having Vito as the center of my universe, that I feel slighted now.

Like, I actually feel guilty when I give Mia attention because I don't want Vito to get hurt. I know that's all in my head, because I'm fairly certain that dogs don't feel jealously... they're more territorial, than anything.

And then I'm looking at Vito's baby pictures and his halloween pictures and holiday pictures and I think... will people still love him the same? Or will he be day old news while the puppy takes over the spotlight?

I told my husband last night that I don't think I'm ready for the puppy thing. I told him that I feel like my time with Vito has been taken away from me... way to quickly for my taste.

I've talked to friends about my feelings on this, and they say it will all work out and that Vito knows he's still my sunshine.

I hope he does.

I just wish I could get rid of my guilt.