Monday, February 11, 2008

Good grief!

Someone's in need of a serious ass-whoopin!

Okay, so I'm learning that yes, she's a puppy, blah blah blah, I need to be patient, blah blah blah... but still!!

Now I remember why I said I'd never get a puppy again after the trauma I went through when Vito was a puppy. Torture, I say, torture!

So, this little girl who is a little love bug and just likes to snuggle and sleep in your arms and be with you, has another personality all together.

She's... get this... she's a little bitch!

Homegirl gets her kicks by attacking my son!! My little ray of sunshine is being attacked by this size 7 shoe-sized little she-devil. She barks at him constantly and is always nipping at his tail like it's a toy.

I had to get all dog whisperer on her ass to let her know who's really in charge, but she's a little diva (Steve's words) and we don't have room for that.

I can't wait to get her into training and get her to her frenchie meetups so she'll learn proper socialization with other dogs... what's appropriate behavior, boundaries, etc.

Yesterday I purchased a handy little potty pad holder thing. It's made of sturdy plastic so that any poop or pee won't drip away. She's only had one accident since.

I believe she thinks that 'go potty' is actually 'water'. We'll have to get past that.

I think what helped with Vito's socialization was the training, meetups, and being occasionally boarded.

This week will be another set of vaccinations, which will put us one step closer to getting her outdoors. She has so much energy that I think exercise will help poop her out and make it easier for us to train her.

Vito's been incredibly patient with her, but when he's had enough of her antics and biting, he'll headbut her or grab her around her scruff. That pisses her off even more which sets off a whole new set of play/fighting.

Now, rather than yelling, I just stand between them. Vito feels my vibe of authority, but Mia still hasn't a clue.

She needs to check herself or another dog is going to wind up doing that for her and we don't want her getting hurt.

But I guess that's what happens in the animal kingdom?